[Invention of Tennis]
“…and you just try to hit it back to me”
Wow, that’s really simple
“Yeah, I wanted it to be very straightforward”
For sure that’s the best part about it
“Uncomplicated, you know what I mean?”
Exactly! No weird stuff
So how do you keep score?
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People are great at finding evidence that supports their beliefs while dismissing any evidence that contradicts them.
Me: *puts hands out*
Cop: wait… are you the hand model for Rolex?
Me: *blushing* guilty
Cop [winking aggressively]: Uh oh someone’s gonna have to serve some TIME
A hop and a tag…you’re it! 😂😜😺
Me: I don’t want to fill up on bread.
Executioner: This is literally your last meal.
You don’t need a therapist when you have a strong support group around your barstool.
them: how are you
you: [desperately aware that herds are necessary for survival] normal
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8-year-olds. One of them had a cast. Another was eating ice cream the entire time.
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Me: I know and it makes it really hard for me to leave work early
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#truestory #puppylove #dogsonsofas
*grabs knife, cuts forehead, lies on floor*
Wife walks in: “WHAT HAPPENED?”
“A burglar came in right when I was about to clean the house”
oh you hate me? name all of my flaws
My kid wants to earn money to go on a pricey school trip next year and asked if the tooth fairy gives money for other body parts.
everyone’s blaming media illiteracy for ppl mistaking poo crave for pop crave but babe that’s just regular illiteracy 😓
Her: I love a bad guy
Me: I’ve got some prison tatts.
Her: Ooh. Show me one.
Me: [pulls up my shirt and points to my belly] This one is of Alcatraz.
Forget Prince Charming. I want a bed that changes sheets daily and legs that always feel clean shaven and when the two meet each night the sleep is magical.
My smart washer was hacked by the Russians so I couldn’t do laundry today, at least that’s what I’m going to tell her.
KING1: I bring you gold.
K2: I bring you frankincense.
K3: *drops pot of myrrh* *pot shatters* Oh. I bring you…erm…interpretive dance!
Pretty lame how horses and dogs don’t capitalize on their ability to wear 2 pairs of jean shorts at once
Suspect thinks you’re mad at them cause you used too much punctuation in your text message