It’s important that you tell your children your story.
“No sweetheart, Daddy was never in a war. But here’s a picture of me screaming at a seagull in 1993.”
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Me: She is going to be exhausted.
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Welcome to Premature Ejaculation Club
A lot of you came early,
I’m not surprised
(car dealership)
Me: Cargo room?
Salesman: No, car go outside
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batman [clenching fist]: pancakes
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Hi, I’m Emma. My hobbies include:
1. Not cleaning
2. Not cooking and
3. Not doing laundry.
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I refuse to pay all that money for CrossFit. If I want a man to scream at me in a garage, I can visit my dad
Well. That’s not a good sign.
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ME: I’d like a free burrito
CHIPOTLE CASHIER: Sir, it’s buy 1 get 1 free
ME: Right [points to stranger] that guy just bought one
MOM: What did you learn at summer camp?
KID: We built a generator out of sticks and mud
MOM: A generator? For what?
KID: To charge our iPods