It’s Monday again and I’m about to make it everyone’s problem.
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Everyone on twitter: (already terrified all of the time)
Mashable: [promoted tweet] This cute new robot can shudder and squirm through the underside of a closed door and inject heart-stopping drugs from ten feet away! 😍
Good morning to everyone, especially those who say “oh ffs, what now?” Every time their news notification on their phone goes off
6 months ago I started a journey to transform my body to prove that anything was possible. You have to want it. You have to wake up everyday and put in the work and thats why I haven’t started.
Practice self-care like Dracula: sleep all day, eat all night & outlive everyone who has ever loved you.
The only thing I miss about going to the movies is smuggling in an entire 4 course meal
[my funeral]
PRIEST: Now that Dave has been cremated, he can finally get that rest he has… URNed.
ME (from beyond): 😁
I once dated guy who talked so much about his ex-wife that I broke up with him and started dating her.
I’m the most bashful person in the world, until you get me on the dance floor. Then I become the most bashful newborn giraffe in the world.
[company meeting]
Manager: $5000 in office supplies have gone missing. We are making some changes.
Me: [in paper clip chainmail, sweating]
If you want sparkling, sophisticated conversation, catch me early in the month, before I’ve used up my ten free New York Times articles.
Annual reminder that Valentine’s Day was a scam invented by Goodyear to sell all the heart-shaped tires their factory made by mistake
The FBI’s terrorist hotline is not a place to chat with hot terrorists. I know that now.
I commented to a friend that I didn’t know how goofy Scream was. It turns out I have never seen Scream. I saw Scary Movie.
If the kids are so noisy from the backseat you can hear them above the music, it obviously wasn’t cranked up loud enough to begin with.
I don’t homeschool my kids cause the only historic battle I know is the one between Biggie and Tupac.
Okay, don’t let him know ur a vampire.“What kind of person do u see when u look in the mirror?”
I yell at couples buying houses like normal people yell at sports on tv
*walks into IT department attempting to look cool*
You guys torrent any emails lately?
The kids I babysit wanted to watch Coco but I said we couldn’t because I would cry, so then they asked to watch Moana instead and I said that movie also makes me cry and this child just looks at me and says, “I don’t think it’s a problem with the movies”.
There is a disturbing amount of product placement in my dreams.
Everytime someone on my social media says “omg you’re British” I instantly respond with well done want a cookie? 🙄🙄😂
Not to brag, but I was voted “Most Likely To Mention Something Truly Insignificant As If It Was A Big Deal” by everyone who has ever met me.
[Takes dog to park]
*waits for romantic comedy to begin
In case anyone needs to feel better about their parenting, my 9yo saw someone inside Build-a-Bear wearing a reindeer costume and said, “Look Mom, it’s a furry.”
Today’s assignment:
If anyone asks you what you’re doing this weekend, grab them and shake them saying “What have you heard? WHAT HAVE YOU HEARD???”
Waiting in the coffee drive-thru line impatiently watching the driver in front of me chatting with the barista and my 12 y/o sighs and says, “C’mon, lady, she’s not your therapist, move along.” Never get between a middle school girl and her Frappuccino.
A friend sent me this and now I can’t think of anything else