[Job Interview]
Interviewer: So tell me about your hobbies.
Me: Well I really enjoy minding my own goddamn business.
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[boss’s office]
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“No, sir”
I like your style, Murray.
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Me: “just throwing these microwaves into the ocean to create super sharks”
*cop starts helping*
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FRIEND: Date night?
ME: No we just don’t like them anymore
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Me: Someone more powerful than me controls the weather.
5-year-old: Mom?
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ME: Wow, you’re resigning too?
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– Dogs
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ME, a pink, lumpy man-shaped blob: Uh… no.
SCIENTIST: Oh… sorry.
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a depressed madame curie is a sighentist.
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james[jesus’ brother]: i need off my bro passed away
boss: gotcha man
[3 days later]
james: i need off my brothers in town
boss: now hold on
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Me: This milk is lumpy. I need a fork.
HER: Shake what your momma gave you!
ME: *Tosses around crippling anxiety and male pattern baldness*
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Wife: On Twitter?
Me: In the woods.
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She: I think our sex would be off the charts!
Me: You have sex charts?
One way to tell if a man is good in bed is to watch him dance. Another good way is to have sex with him.