Last night I was walking Bizzy, and a friendly stranger asked how old she was. When I told him, he said: “She don’t walk like she’s 15 though!!!” I…I think he catcalled my dog?
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Me: [looks at lawyer]
Lawyer: [mouths “not guilty”]
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thrown in jail for public indecency and banned from the aquarium for life.
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[the afterlife]
Me: So, this is heaven!
*sees husband* whoa whoa whoa, what’s he doing here?! The contract said til death parts us!Angel: *chuckling*
Me: omg. this is hell, isn’t it.
Why an exclamation point after “R.I.P.”? You don’t need to shout.
They’re dead.
[Dinner party]
ME: *holding a plate of empty shells* Boy, those oysters were filling.
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My Plans 2020
Well this is awkward. Apparently when my wife’s friend invited me over for a play-date I was supposed to bring my kids.
that’s exactly what a haunted chair WOULD say
Life cycle of cat
If you put your face really close to a neck tattoo & slowly pull away, you can see a hidden design of the unemployment office.
my sentiments exactly
This is Sparta
I still remember when “information is power” could be said with a straight face. Thank goodness the internet put that myth to rest.
Friend: I get my kids to eat their vegetables by making up cute names like ‘caulipower’ and ‘broccoli trees’.
Me: I get my sons to eat their vegetables by saying, “Eat your damn vegetables.”
the “i feel like things can’t get any worse” to “oh i see” pipeline
*pandemic ends*
Mother Nature: HOW ARE THEY STILL ALIVE??!!!
“ok start it up”
“give it some gas”
any ideas?
“I can’t hear over you beatboxing”
Some days you’re the Titanic, some days you’re the iceberg and some days you’re that guy who hit the propeller on the way down.
Me: Ugh, I’d rather die.
Bartender: Literally nobody said anything.