Lol. If u can’t pass, atleast confuse the teacher 😆😅🙉
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1. if they stop swimming
2. if they accidentally eat a grenade
if you happen to be a shark, pls keep swimming and try to not eat any grenades. thank you
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QUESTION ASKER MAN: and how is this a skill that will help you here?
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*pretends to be answering machine*
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[blind date]
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(during sex)
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THERAPIST: You need more friends
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ME: …
THERAPIST: … So all of these-
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7: can we have an awake-over tonight?
me: an awake-over?
7: it’s like a sleepover but without the sleep
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Me: *falls down entire staircase*
(20 full seconds of silence)
Dad: …careful.
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I ate vegetables and now I’m hungrier than before. Donuts don’t betray me like this.