*Makes joke on Twitter*
*Makes same joke on Facebook*
*Loses job, girlfriend leaves me, disowned by parents, 1 Like*
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Wanna know what it looks like when a tired mother reaches her breaking point? I just tried to hypnotize my toddler to sleep. She seemed to like it. As soon as I was done she yelled “again”!
spider-man is good at witty comebacks, because with great power comes great response ability
Sesame Street didn’t prepare me for any of this bullshit.
[single drop of rain falls on ground]
Person Who Knows the Word “Petrichor”: I love the smell of petrichor.
Lady at the door asked if I’d found Jesus and I was all HOW IS HE MISSING, IT WAS YOUR DAY TO WATCH HIM. I don’t think she’ll be back.
if Wonka had a spaghetti factory I’d get sucked into a marinara river tube so fast
me: *vacuums up ant*
ant: oh no
me: *vacuums up all the food my kids spilled*
ant: oh wait
I need a guy who’s cute charming smells good smells really good like cinnamon and sugar and flaky crust and actually I just need some pie
Going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car…..
There is no “I” in TEAM. But there is MEAT.
Delicious meat.
Superheroes come from broken homes & inattentive parents.
Parents, stop hugging your kids. We need a Batman.
Friend: you can come to the party if you promise not to do that weird thing where you talk about salad dressing
Me: fine
Me: hey would you guys rather own a ranch or a thousand islands
I’m so hungover. My sweat is pure tequila. A mosquito landed on me and now I think it’s drunk. It’s texting its ex.
My 6yo: There’s no school on Friday because it’s a teacher planning day. What does that mean?
Me: [mumbling] They plan on screwing up my Friday, that’s what.
I stopped eating my feelings a few months ago and holy shit do I have a lot of them here now
A curious tradition — to look at a newborn baby and say to yourself, “Because of your DNA, one day you will rule over me.”
Maybe Kate Middleton ran away with me. You don’t know.
[day 7 of quarantine]
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄∧_∧ oh no
( ・ω・) im late for work
_| ⊃/(___
/ └-(____/
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄<⌒/ヽ-、__ lol
 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Shot to the heart
And you’re to blame
You drink shots
With bad aim
Murderer: What are you in for?
Her: Licking ice cream.
Murderer: That had better be a euphemism.
What do you remember most from your first sex ed class? I remember Mrs. DeBlasio, the school secretary, telling us to never believe a guy who said he couldn’t wear condoms because they were too small and then she stretched one over her head like a ski mask as proof.
It’s incredible how fast toddlers move. I had my eyes on my 1yo and looked away for 30 seconds and now I need to pick her up at the airport.
flight attendant: sir, you can’t bring that cow manure on the plane
In sign language, the story of my life can be told through a series of facepalms.
You: I’m so hard on myself.
People on the internet: Hold my beer.
I’m definitely the most successful guy in this dollar store.
Oh, wait.
That guy has a tuxedo t-shirt.
I’m the second most successful guy.
Day 3 of weight loss challenge: all my coworkers look like tacos. I do not understand how the meat remains in the shell as they walk around.
I see Netflix changed The Punisher’s origin to have his family killed by the government instead of him getting bit by a radioactive punish.
Do I want the coronavirus? No. Would I exploit the shit out of it with a daily vlog series titled “Going Viral” were I to catch it? The answer may (not) surprise you.
Coworker: You look tired. Did you not get enough sleep last night?
Me: Nope. Slept great! But thanks for telling me I look like shit.