Me (a pediatrician): *hands your baby a disassembled carburetor* Let’s test his motor skills
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Capri Sun taught me how to stab with accuracy.
Me: I dreamed my teacher is making me read out endless values of π
Psychiatrist: Is it recurring?
Me: Not as far as anyone can tell
My boyfriend says I’m like a robot in bed so I’m basically a sex machine.
ME: [first day working at the Christmas tree farm] I shall treat them with love and attention as if they were my pets.
BOSS: I love that
ME: My fir babies
HER: Get out
Stop paying your bills and you’ll get the customer service you’re looking for.
might go to prison so i can focus on the gym properly
Why stop at clocks? I set my stapler forward an hour too. Told my shoes it’s Tuesday. My car still thinks it’s 1987.
people who do mutinies should be called mutants
[Spelling bee]
“Your word is DEFLECTION”
“Can you use it in a sentence?”
“Can YOU use it in a sentence?”
[me as a ship’s navigator in the 1740s] omg you’re gonna be so mad at me…but i think that was supposed to be our trade wind back there
Sad? Confused? There’s a nap for that.
Me [trying to get respect from my family after eating 12 hotdogs] how many more hotdogs do I need to eat before you respect me?
Mom: we just want you to get a job. Give me the *sound of a struggle* hotdogs
My therapist says I need to overcome “shame-based” thinking but if it wasn’t for shame I don’t think I’d get a damn thing done around here.
I don’t know what I’d do if a pen leaked in my mouth. I dread tooth ink.
Parenting is letting the kids fight it out over who showers first while you sneak away to take your own shower without interruption.
Early this morning a bird was chirping loudly at the same time that my husband was snoring and it was really sort of beautiful how they were pissing me off in harmony.
Current situation: laying in bed trying to manifest breakfast
The five second rule for food dropped on the floor means something else when you have a dog.
There are 400 billion stars in our galaxy and perhaps two trillion galaxies in total, and I just wonder if Miss Universe fully understands her achievement.
nurse: I’m pretty sure he’s dead
me: let’s find out
nurse: but he-
nurse: what are u-
me: shhhhh
patient: [faintly] ba ba ba
me: nope
Me, as a parent, ordering at the drive through after a family road trip: Hi. I’ll take 2 Happy Meals, a medium fry and a vasectomy please.
No matter what meal it is, always say you had “brunch” so people know how much better than them you are.
HER: ”So, what should I do now?”
DOCTOR: “Inform your partner.”
HER: “I don’t know if I can face him.”
DOCTOR: “You can write him a note.”
HER: “That’s a great idea!”
[Swedish massage]
masseuse: *smashes meatballs into my back*
Doctor: “To stop heartburn, avoid spicy and doughy”
Me: “But doctor. I *am* spicy and doughy!”
I dropped and broke my phone today. Hurt more than childbirth!
“Your honor, my client is absolutely not a flight risk.”
“What makes you so sure?”
“He is a penguin.”
I’m working on a screenplay called ‘127 Seconds’ about my fat co-worker getting his hand stuck in a Pringles tube.
Me: Go ahead.
Waiter: Huh?
Me: You’re staring at my hair. Go ahead & touch it.
Waiter: There’s a leaf in it.
When there’s food around, our cat is like an adorable, fluffy shark circling round.