Me: Busy day?
Singer: Working on my scales
Map maker: Same
Scale maker: Same
Mountain climber: Same
Guy who draws fish: Same
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Sometimes I like to trick my dryer by selecting the Bedding setting when the load is really jeans and towels.
My ambition is to be the last man on earth so that I can find out if all those girls were telling the truth.
I put the hot in psychotic.
*tries on a gas mask*
Me: Shit, I don’t look anything like a gas.
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8yo: does it have pulp?
me: I’m not sure
8yo: *heavy sigh* guess I’ll find out the hard way
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Husband: You missed the window for something to arrive by Christmas Eve, didn’t you?
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[office meeting]
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I swear people go to Starbucks and just say random words…
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[getting eaten by a snake] HELP THIS SLEEPING BAG IS EATING ME.
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I asked why he did that and he said it’s because he loves him and thinks he deserves a day off of school too.
I just want to hug this out. With my hands around your neck type of hug. What I mean is, I want to strangle you.
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Cashier: How are you today?
Me: You too.