Me: I’m older and wider
Them: don’t you mean “wiser”
Me: nope
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me: are you going to keep going on about the abacus I swallowed?
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wearing headphones to the club to pretend i’m the dj
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Wife: Is he staring at our bedroom window again?
Me: *sets down binoculars* Yep
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Me: “Yeah, I’d like to meet him before I die. Dude is a legend.”
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Me (lips right on mic): Schoolbuses can’t jump, Alex.
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So your kid can speak 3 languages?
That’s great. Mine can speak lizard.
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10. He is a cat.
Boss: did I hear you call me a twat?
Me: recently?
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is frankincense just very honest incense?
My daughter is mad at me because I didn’t offer her a banana first thing this morning.
She hates bananas.
The escalator at the gym is broken, this is BULLSHIT.
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i’m in bed naked with my two favourite men on earth, ben and jerry.
“Why do you hate me?”
– me any time someone tells me I have to sleep on a futon