me: is there a doctor on this plane?????
doctor: i’m a doctor
me: my mom wants us to meet
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Pregnancy test that says, “Your cart has 1 item in it”
Upon graduation from the University of Phoenix, do they just send you a screencap of your degree?
“You have to get good grades”
KID: But it’s so hard!
“We’re Can-tonese not Cant-tonese”
KID: You gotta admit that’s a bit confusing
Me: one man’s trash is another man’s treasure
Garbage truck driver: are you seriously doing an Italian job on a garbage truck?
the guy at the liquor store didn’t card me and it hurt my feelings so I said I was a cop and idk what to do next we’re just standing here
My grandfather was a boxer in the British Army.
Which was completely unfair because the enemy had rifles.
*holds seashell to ear*
[ocean sounds]
[ocean sounds]
[“Remember to click ‘subscribe’ & to rate & leave a com-]
*throws shell into the sea*
My parents would hide fruit roll ups on top of the refrigerator where I couldn’t reach them. And leave chemicals under the sink.
*rolls over to your desk on chair*
So what was in that browser you just quickly minimised?
Me: Okay 2 it’s time for bed
2: NO! Mommy go to bed
Me: Okay*goes to bed
I get Bi with a little help from my friends.
I’m supposed to be Gen-X but I feel like Gen-FML is more fitting.
Britney Spears’ Slave 4 U is trending on Christmas Eve just like it did that magical night in Bethlehem thousands of years ago. God bless everyone.
Husband: *bleeding*
Me: *calling 911*
Husband: Well, Well, Well. Look who’s on her phone again.
God: “Adam looks kind of lonely down there. What should I do?”
Frog: “ribbit”
God: “haha, alright man”
The part of my boyfriend is now being played by what appears to be a memory of a time he said brb
[listening to the neighbors argue through the walls]: mmw mmwm wmmw mwm mwwmm wwmw
mwm wmmwm wwmw mmwm
mwwm mmw mmwm mwwm mwmwm
me: oh stephanie you’re better than this
We’ve got Tyrannosaurus Rex stamps and Queen Elizabeth II stamps in the Post Office at the moment. People can choose between a tyrannical long-dead reptile… or our beloved queen who died recently. I can’t believe you thought I was going to make that joke.
wife: I should have never let you take that morse code class
me: shhh *listening to the hail hit our roof* the storm is talking to me
did you get the job?
“i don’t know yet”
when will they tell you?
interviewer: “keith can you please ask your mum to wait in reception”
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The car’s navigation system warned me of a pothole and then asked if it was still there. Not only is it still there, it has friends.
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Me: I have a headache.
WebMD: and it will be your last.
People always ask me if my problem kid is the middle child but my husband is the oldest.
Me (texting): Help I’m in the pantry hiding from the murderer
Murderer: Probably shouldn’t have used speech-to-text
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“Draw me like one of your Trash girls”
Mickey Mouse’s pants out of context look like something that would try to kill Mario.