Me: “You didn’t tell me that.”
Them: “Yes I did, four times while you were staring at your phone.”
Me (looks up): “I’m sorry, what?”
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There we are, nodding away when my kid’s swim instructor gives her exercises to work on at home, like the big ol’ liars we are.
I hate when I think there’s an open parking space and then I have to run over a motorcycle.
boss: there aren’t problems, only opportunities
me: ok there’s a huge cockroach opportunity in the break room
Saw a deer in our yard & I know it’s not a big deal but before moving our only yard wildlife was a family of city opossums & our dogs kept bringing the babies playing-dead in the house & I had to remove a lot of not-dead opossums cuz my husband is a chicken
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mom: you’re grounded
me: i can’t wait until i’m an adult and no one can do that to me
[20 years later]
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[god on LSD creating Donald Trump
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An ambulance just went down my road. Within seconds I went running outside to see where it stopped. I have become my parents.
I was one of the crew members on the Lost series. Don’t worry, you’re not alone, nobody on the crew understood the ending either.
Mcdonalds Drive thru: Do you want a girl toy or a boy toy?
Me: You have those here?!
[army training]
Sergeant: dude you gotta stop crying
Me, sobbing uncontrollably: this is torture
Sergeant: everyone has to make their own bed
Boss: “I want it on my desk by 9 on Monday”
Me: “Say no more”
Boss: “Where’s my report?”
Me: “Shhh”
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my student loan account is locked for an hour bc i entered my password wrong twice. who the hell do they think is trying to break in and pay my loans for me. why would i want to prevent that. Pleas let them in
I’d like to be alone now please sign out.
is this store having a stroke wtf
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tornados are just a bunch of ghosts fighting over a cow.
The Frankfurt School?? What are you majoring in, hot dog?
Friend: “wanna go for a run?”
Me: “can I drive instead?”
Helpful phrases:
“We’ll get there when we get there”
“We’ll know when we know”
“Well, it is what it is”
“It’s neither here nor there”
“First thing’s first”
“I wouldn’t worry if I were you”
“I don’t mind either way”
“It’ll be in the last place you look”
i guess his teacher was really pissed
If you see a dog locked in a car on a hot day, it’s legal to teach it how to hotwire the vehicle and drive off in search of a better life.
me: *vacuums up ant*
ant: oh no
me: *vacuums up all the food the kids dropped*
ant: oh wait
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Thinking about that one comedy anime gag that always seemed to show up in the 2000s, I never knew what that was called
If I ever die in my sleep it won’t be in my bed. It’ll be in a meeting.
Going out with a girl who works in cyber security next week so I’m gonna print out all my passwords and ask what she thinks
Lifeguard is the weirdest job. Like hey, you’re 16 years old, make sure no one dies.