My 5-year-old refuses to believe that shells & cheese tastes exactly like mac & cheese but believes there definitely is a dinosaur in his bedroom.
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My Dr. told me about a new med he wanted me to try and offered that there are some sexual side effects to which I replied “yeah I don’t do that!” instead of nodding quietly like a normal human.
[googles “camaflage spiders”]
-no results-
[googles “camouflage spiders”]
-11,345,453 results-
dumbledore: you know what this spot needs
hogwarts gardener: rose bu-
dimbledore: a tree that kills students
hogwarts gardener: what
dumbledore: plant the death tree
What I lack in moves on the dancefloor I more than make up for in dancing around a conversation
a person who loves cats is not a cat person theyre a dog person who loves cats. a cat person is sombody who is completley apathetic to cats
I’m eating strawberries in the bath while watching a spider kill a ladybug. I feel like I’m in a silent French film about sex and death.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the confidence of this woman at Starbucks who just pretended to have a dog so she could get a free cup of whipped cream.
Cheerleaders are there to tell you that your team needs to score more points & the name of your team in case you forget at any given moment
Today I learnt that a group of pandas is called an embarrassment. I finally found a group where I fit in
Remember, it’s not a real paleo diet unless you’re eating mammoth every day.
Who called it Alcatraz and not Jailhouse Rock
Why don’t they just call what pallbearers do “The Deadlift”?
A group of contradictions is called a “Bible.”
I just learned that snails can sleep for 3 years at a time and it looks like I have a new spirit animal (sorry wombats)
Me buying frivolous things: Well, you have to spend money to spend money.
[swimming pool]
Me: but what if there’s a shark in there?
Lifeguard: that’s impossible
Shark: *popping head out of the water* I have an English degree and it’s improbable
Just crossed the border into Germany and the border police asked “Where did you come from? Where did you go?”
I wish my face had a screensaver that would come on to let people know that they’ve been talking to me for too long.
“Hey buddy, you wanna buy a harmonica?” I opened my coat and got hit by a gust of wind, making the worst sound in the world
Me: So my husband —
First grader: You have a husband?
Me: I do, the whole time you’ve known me.
First grader: Oh. I always thought you were feral.
Me: Er, do you mean ‘single’?
First grader: Whatever the word is that you use for stray cats.🙀
Him: How ’bout this rain?
Me: It makes my asshole itchy.
And that, my friends, is why you don’t talk to strangers on elevators.
A lady told me that Autism is punishment for the sins of the parent.
That is the story of me punching a lady in a church parking lot.
ME: hi handsome, is this seat taken?
BUS DRIVER: yes, but you could literally sit anywhere else
I’m going to be the most petty poltergeist ever. I’ll do things like unplug your phone charging overnight
You don’t scare me. You’re not an undetectable patch of ice on a 70 mph expressway.
“The old lady I see in the park every day has had her house raided.”
“Sniffer dogs?”
“No, I usually just say good morning to her”.
Popped in on my parents and caught them watching and somewhat enjoying Big Bang Theory. I’ve never felt more betrayed.
People Complain They’ve Been Cancelled; coming soon to prime time television.
How Animals React To Smoke
DEER: Bounds away.
MOLE: Retreats to deep tunnel.
Me: Describe your love for me in one word.
Him: My what?