My boss: There are no stupid questions
Me: Do people get discounted manicures if they’re missing a finger?
My boss: I’m going home early
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My boss just texted me and said,“Send me one of your funny jokes please.”
I replied “ I’m working hard at the moment,I will send you one later.”He replied, “That was fantastic,send me another one.”
since i quit vaping and drastically cut down alcohol consumption, my sweet tooth is out of control. i almost never ate dessert before and now im like ah yes the traditional 9am seven layer cake.
Him: What? You said I could tie you up and do anything I want.
Him: Fishing
That moment when u get shampoo in your eye
And start wondering what you will name your guide dog.
My husband is going to be so surprised when he finds out the woman I’ve been sleeping with is way hotter than his girlfriend.
I’m looking for a home with huge yard, tall privacy fence and a couple of sheds preferably one with a freezer that can hold two or three.
–me on house hunters
[playing hangman]
wife: Pick a letter
son: Does it have to be from the alphabet?
me *gets up*
*sound of his college fund jar breaking*
[shark tank]
“Hi, what’s your product idea?”
Product? [holding bucket of live fish] I’m here to see the tank of sh-… I’ve made a mistake
Just saw my evil doppelganger speed away in a DeLorean. I’m sure it’s fine
A student today met with me virtually in her pajamas with a blanket and a hippopotamus crocheted hat on. I was so jealous.
I put my phone in airplane mode.
Worst. Transformer. Ever.
I saw an audiologist today, but I think I’ll get a second opinion. Why on earth would I need a heron egg?
Shhh!-Librarians arguing
The Hello Kitty stickers on your woodchipper suggest that you’re whimsically murdery.
he literally just said, “everyone’s saying i won the debate.”
is it possible…hear me out…trump has an imaginary friend named Everyone?
TEACHER: Its report card day Timmy
TIMMY: I’m scared to look.
TEACHER: Don’t worry. It’s all B’s lol
*opens it & gets engulfed by bees*
Don’t talk to me, I’m sober.
A thousand curses upon anyone who has ever gone, “Why are you sitting in the dark?” and then flipped the light on without asking.
it’s amazing how alcohol feels great and also has zero negative longterm side effects
Can you imagine if therapists did an end-of-year wrapped list like:
-cried 79 times
-picked up 5 new coping mechanisms
-made 43 jokes about your trauma
4-year-old: We’re playing Star Wars. I’m a Jedi and Mom is a stormtrooper.
Me: What am I?
4-year-old: In the way.
every day of my adult life I am grateful that I had only limited ways to put my ideas on the internet as a young person
Everyone on the bus thinks that they are the main character, when in reality the main character is the bus
Float like a jellyfish, sting like a jellyfish.
I call my toilet “Jim”…
It sounds much better when I announce “I’m going to the Jim” every morning.
My 6-year-old: Why did you give money to that man?
Me: Some people don’t have a home or job & need help. We may not have a ton of money, but-
6: Is that because you keep giving it away??
When your great-grandchildren call you racist for thinking all monkeys look the same.
I know I’m more literater than you because of my fancificacious vocabularianistic wordicisms.
“Whatever you do in bed, Sealy supports it”. Clearly whoever came up with that ad doesn’t watch CSI.