“My brother’s coming over for dinner.”
Ugh, is he still talking only in country names?*brother walks in* “Chad Hungary. Jamaica Turkey?”
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HIPSTER COP: I pulled you over because of the volume
ME: *turns down stereo* Sorry
HC: Not that. What products do you use in your hair?
Sorry I marked myself as safe on Facebook after your PowerPoint presentation.
Cyberman: I am allergic to gold.
Elf: I’m allergic to iron.
Cyberman: I’m made of iron.
Elf: I can make gold appear at my fingertips.
Cyberman: We should probably stop seeing each other.
Avoid the struggle of taking off a sports bra by never exercising.
I lose my self-control around cookies. Last week I had a package of oreos in the cupboard and i killed a guy
Fear not, ugly caterpillar. For one day you will become a beautiful butterfly
[emerges from cocoon]
i’ve had too much coffee
~ amateurs
What did this chicken ever do to them?? 😂😂😂
jehovah’s witness: do you have a few minutes to talk about jesus?
me (hates gossip): no
COP: Know why I pulled you over?
ME: Because I didn’t floss?
DENTIST: *rips off cop mask* I gotcha now, you son of a-
ME: Yeah, I’ve heard that movie.
FRIEND: You mean ‘seen’ that movie.
ME: Ha ha. No! I’m on twitter. I haven’t seen a movie in 3 years.
At the pub, it’s my job to inform people of the roots of words. I’m the designated deriver.
If you’re wondering who the dumbest person in the world is, I put latte mug of tea in the microwave, but the mug was too tall, so I poured some tea out and tried to put the mug back in.
The Dalai Lama and Gandhi aren’t the same? I thought they were basically Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana. I feel like people are messing with me.
He: “I think all my dating apps are in Halloween mode.”
She: “Halloween mode?”
He: “Yes, everyone is ghosting me.”
#Halloween #RubbishJokes
Mark my words, but use something erasable cause I change my mind a lot.
alien graffiti can be pretty hurtful 😔
My son wants a pet pig so if he asks the ham he ate for dinner last week was pterodactyl meat.
I’m not saying my husband and I are scared of our 3yo, but we just did Rock Paper Scissors to determine who was going to take the baseball bat away from him.
Nope, that’s a tampon. Another tampon. Tampon. Jesus, how many tampons do I have in here?!
-me trying to blindly grab the chapstick in my purse
Pro tip: Turn any sofa into a sofa bed by telling your girl to calm down.
Catch a spark… Set the world on fire!
– Incinerational Tweet
We wouldn’t really have any national debt in this country if strippers would just pay their damn income taxes.
Child: The news said it’s more sanitary to sneeze into an elbow.
[returning from Damascus]
St Paul: “Friends! Let me tell you all about God’s son, Esus”
Voice from the crowd: “Esus? But I thought-“
St Paul: “The letter “J” doesn’t fall into common usage until the 16th century”
St Ohn: “It’s true”
Boss: Working at home is the same as working on location. Our technology will alert us if your computer screen goes into sleep mode, so don’t get distracted from your job.
[ working from home ]
I saved a ton of money on cool sports cars, vacation getaways and NFL season tickets by having children.
I don’t really argue with people. They just all end up washing ashore miles away under mysterious circumstances.
him: Hey what’s the name of the guy who lives two houses down?
me: his dogs names are Walter and Rose
him: that’s not what I asked
me: that is the information I have