My cousin thinks the phrase is sperm of the moment. Someday, I may correct her.
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Took the kids to the park so wifey could get a break.
5, loudly, as soon as he steps inside: Hmmmm, it’s still a mess in here!
Me: *locking him inside and walking away* You’re on your own now buddy!
Sometimes parenthood is having to say “please don’t throw your beef stick at me” with a straight face.
My wife is visiting her mother this weekend, so the cat and I are smoking cigars and playing poker.
Neil DeGrasse Tyson watching an Indian action movie: *becomes so filled with rage he explodes*
me: I quit, here’s my badge and gun
head lifeguard: your what
When did science get a monopoly on donated corpses? What if I want to donate my body to literature? Theater? Philosophy?
The Lost & Found Desk at the casino was no help whatsoever in locating my $762.
I just want everyone to know my daughter is a monster. She is dipping french fries in honey mustard. I have failed as a mother.
in a home invasion my attacker goes for a knife in the kitchen drawers but it’s jammed by the potato masher and I make my escape
I’m more of a homeless romantic.
I came up with a new word yesterday: Plagiarism
I don’t need a boyfriend, I need someone to roll me up in a carpet and throw me off a cliff.
putting a “Wellness Room” sign above the main exit at work.
I’m supposed to take an antibiotic one hour before or 2-3 hours after eating, and literally such a time does not exist
If your husband didn’t just take down an old shower curtain, wear it as a cape, then run around yelling “I am Captain Mildew!” then you are not me.
Dear future self,
No, you weren’t robbed. You left your house like this.
You, you dumb slob.
I can never hear what my kids are up to while I’m in the shower so I just yell “HEY cut it out!” every 60 seconds and hope that keeps them in line
{keeps yelling HIT ME at a tarot card reading}
Noah: An ark? Full of animals??
God: …
Noah: You even listening??
God: Sorry what? I was checking out the iPhone 6. This thing is garbage.
The FedEx guy said I look like a sexy pirate. I’m not sure if that’s considered sexual harassment or flirting.
My computer just gave me an “Error 404” message, which can’t be right because I know I’ve made way more errors than that.
SNOW WHITE: so how’d you get your names?
SNEEZY: I sneeze a lot
SLEEPY: I sleep a lot
GRUMPY: my wife left me
Anakin: …is it possible to learn this power?
Palpatine: *grins* not from a Jedi. Which is why I use SkillShare. SkillShare is an online learning community where you can learn—and teach—just about anything. Get two months of Skillshare Premium for free with coupon code “SHEEV”
me: jim it was a joke
sheriff: [crying at his desk] w-what
me: there isnt a new sheriff in town, this is just a starfish i stuck to my shirt
Husband: Some weirdo broke into the house last night.
Wife: How do you know it was a weirdo?
Husband: They stole all my Bruno Mars drawings.
If you can see the bread you are not using butter correctly.
Overheard a woman say very angrily on the phone “I married a stale ham sandwich of a human” and calling someone a stale ham sandwich is probably my new favorite insult
“Don’t stop, don’t stop! Oh god, PLEASE DON’T STOP.” – me to the server grating cheese over my pasta plate
You sound smart. You some kinda ‘ologist?