My ear is bleeding because I tried to shave it. Now I have to create some elaborate lie to tell ppl how I cut my ear.
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*hiding recipes behind back* man I really misunderstood this swap party
[penguin waddles into computer repair store]
“Hi yes my laptop is frozen”
Computer repair guy – “how did you get to Milwaukee”
Here’s a step by step guide to staircases
*gives you a handrail*
Me every day: You kids drive me insane. I need a break.
Me before a kid-free trip: I CAN’T LEAVE MY LITTLE SUGAR PLUMS
*stares at phone for 3 hours*
*puts phone down, reads book for 5 minutes*
*glances up from book*
Wow, look at all these braindead fools glued to their phones
Executioner : Due to the power-cut we’ll be using the acoustic chair.
“The library was closed yesterday.”
“I tried to call with a question.”
“Sorry for the inconvenience.”
“It was kind of important.”
“Well can I help you with it now?”
“I wanted help yesterday.”
“Well, I’m here now.”
“Okay fine. What’s Harrison Ford’s astrological sign?”
Cough drops are perfect for when you want the cough you’ve had for three days to stop for 60 seconds and then come right back.
Anakin: …is it possible to learn this power?
Palpatine: *grins* not from a Jedi. Which is why I use SkillShare. SkillShare is an online learning community where you can learn—and teach—just about anything. Get two months of Skillshare Premium for free with coupon code “SHEEV”
My kid just called me by “hey you” and I saw all my other kids and the dogs turn and walk out of the room faster than they’ve ever walked before.
“Human sacrifice was a bloody and barbaric tradition – but could stopping it altogether be why the rains aren’t coming?” – bronze age opinion columnist
Just want everyone to know this morning I won the argument I was having with someone in my head while in the shower. Feeling good about today
Person: *falls in love with me*
Me: I have felt bad for a spoon I accidentally threw away because it probably thinks I don’t want it anymore and, why is it the only spoon the in the trash.
Person: ok cool, never mind.
One of the benefits of eating healthier is that you never have to ask questions like, “Who ate my kale?”
DATE: I want to date someone that is really into nature
MY BRAIN: say you like hiking
MY MOUTH: I’m planning to go off the grid & move into the mountains to become a forest troll soon
God: you’re a parrot.
Parrot: ok.
God: you can repeat everything you hear.
Parrot: humans are the worst.
God: uh what?
Parrot: i’ll prolly kill them in a flood soon.
God: what’s it gonna take to keep this quiet?
Parrot: I wanna live in a tropical paradise.
This raises questions
“I’m great in bed” ~ breakfast
Rude much 😂😂😂
My 4yr old daughter just charged me $47 for a fake cake she cooked in her pretend oven.
I laughed.
She stared at me until I paid her.
If social media platforms were weddings:
FB: ornate wedding in a renaissance church, tasteful reception
IG: wedding on the beach, ride off into sunset on horseback
Twitter: get drunk married in Vegas by midget Elvis, continue evading cops with possible corpse in trunk
Makes me laugh when a person blows their nose,then look into the tissue to see what came out. Seriously.. what are you expecting to find there?
My kids don’t drive me to drink. Can’t wait until they get their license and they can though.
I scroll twitter wen I use the bathroom at nite bc I’m afraid of the dark, n that way I feel like all my mutuals r peeing w/ me
When I get to somebody’s house, I text them, because knocking on doors is for poor people.
If she steals your hoodie she likes you, if she steals your car she’s a thief
why are we only commenting our code? we should be liking and subscribing too
Me [as a child]: The Easter Bunny IS real. I will end your lies!
[steps on a crack, nothing happens]
[starts stomping on the crack]HAS MY ENTIRE LIFE BEEN A LIE??
My mom: [sighs]
My O face is the same face I make when I eat really sour pickles
Which is why the lights stay off!