My favorite part about wearing a romper is getting completely naked in public restrooms.
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Me: You’re a scientist?
Him: Yeah
M: You like chemistry?
M: Wanna get in my genes?
M: *slow winks*
H: Are you having a stroke?
passed a guy walking down the street video chatting someone but here’s a fun twist: he was doing it on a laptop
A great way to relive your childhood is to outgrow your clothes every few months.
Non-believers of Earth being a sphere presumably flatly deny all the evidence.
4-year-old: *looks at our pig* Which pig is she?
Me: What do you mean?
4: Is her house made of bricks or sticks?
typical orange cat and void cat behavior
me: who are some of your favourite postmen? who inspires your craft? postman: please take your fingers out of the slot. i can’t put the letters in
[at restaurant]
Gorgeous hostess: Happy Valentine’s Day! How many?
Me: Just one, thanks.
Wife (clears throat): Two.
[Friday night]
Wife: *tells me weekend plans*[Saturday morning]
Me: What are we doing this weekend?
I’m convinced that Santa is so jolly because he knows where all the naughty girls live.
[movie theater concessions]
Me: ok kiddos we can get popcorn or we can pay for your college.
Wife: seriously!?!
Me: [shakes head sadly] they’ve made their choice.
haha, no way losers. I’ve got things to do.
*cop whispering* “what do we do? this guy is owning us hard!”
Me: “Bond.”
*lowers sunglasses*
“James Bond.”Cashier: “You’ve been doing that for 35 minutes. Are you going to buy the sunglasses or not?”
[watching the Lord of the Rings]
Me: who do you think is more powerful Gandalf or Sauron?
Wife: Sauron’s Wife.
Me: but he’s not married lol.
Wife: then why does he spend 3 movies frantically searching for his lost ring?
Wife: he’s definitely scared to tell his wife.
I admire the guy who named duct tape. He was a marketing genius. He knew naming it abduct tape would be more accurate, but a harder sell.
Some of y’all expect more from a retail employee than of your elected officials
[varnishing an old rocker]
keith richards: what the hell man
I’ve got a really bad feeling about this bathroom, you guys.
I wonder if sometimes when a serial killer is digging a new hole in his backyard he ever runs into an old project and thinks wistfully, “oh yeah… that guy.”
me *breaking the fourth wall*
architect: oh no
[post-apocalypse open mic]
Me: So…how’s everyone’s bone health tonight? Vitamin D & calcium levels looking gooood??
Crowd: *rickets*
Just made eye contact with my hot neighbor through the window
Wish I didn’t have 6 marshmallows in my mouth.
Me: please wait a little longer
Her: you’re a liar and I’m leaving!
She turns and storms off. A few seconds later, the baseball I threw all the way around the world whizzes into my glove. It’s too late. It took too long. I must train to throw harder if I’m ever to find a wife.
Welcome to adulthood.
You get mad when they rearrange your grocery store now.
The best part of being a girl is not having to open doors. If I approach a door and a guy isn’t there I just take a nap til one shows up.
Any wedding can be a fairy tale wedding if you serve porridge and release three angry bears into the reception hall
Insanity [in•san•i•ty] (noun): Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results
See Also: Going back to your ex
Imagining serif fonts taking off their little hats and shoes when they get home from work
I just opened an email from the vet wishing my dog a happy birthday.
I replied asking them to call her because she can’t read.