My favorite thing is when there’s not enough time in therapy to bring something to conclusion and you’re just sent home with all your unearthed trauma and demons like ok cool see you next week stay hydrated
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Me: I want ice cr-
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somehow a bad experience with seafood is more powerful than a bad relationship
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(First date)
Just act like he’s not here.
Date: …
Husband: …
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going to therapy is like having someone walk around your brain and going “ohhhh this is how you’re living?!”
(first day as a bartender)
customer: fifth of scotch.
me: cool. i’m half Puerto Rican.
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Italian names sound delicious. Even Mussolini, sounds like a fried cheese that ends up oppressing your digestive process. #Italians
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“Lemme get a grande iced mocha no foam quad soy hexagon vortex hypothesis with steamed ice”.
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She keeps them in the side pocket of her $800 purse.
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Sleeping Beauty has a pretty good situation going on until Prince Charming came and screwed it up.
The turkey is the luckiest one at the Thanksgiving table because it’s already dead.
what most people dont know is that you can use the trick or treat system to get large amounts of candy for free
me: cheeseburgers are better than sex
her: maybe you’re doing it wrong
me: I stick my meat between two buns and slather it in sauce, add cheese, pickles and bacon
her: I meant sex
me: me too
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The superstition where you hold your breath as you drive past a cemetery sounds like a ploy by Big Cemetery to fill more cemeteries.
stop it stop it don’t cook him stop
There was a time you couldn’t drive a computer if you didn’t have a driving license…