My grandpa went broke like 6 times trying stupid get rich quick schemes and played tennis like 5 days a week never got good and then when he died we found a bunch of sex picture that he was taking with my grandma so I’m not sure that generation was much different tbh
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*pays $47.00*
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No one:
Me: “The word “Militia” just sounds like Sean Connery saying the name Melissa.”
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Me: Are you sure about that? *slides him a half used $10 Starbucks gift card*
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Them: Aimee!?
Me: *falls to the ground*
*does the worm*
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I yodel them.
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You inspired me to sing. Never mind the dogs howling for me to stop.
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“Who’s there?”
“An octopus”
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Show yourself some self-love.
No. Not in public.
I’m just saying, no dog has ever ghosted me
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We like to vilify hot people, but it’s important to know that people who aren’t hot are also terrible.
I just read that pandas don’t have many opportunities for sex, and then don’t know how to do it. Finally found my spirit animal.
Using spin moves while allowing an opponent’s sword to narrowly miss your head forces them to add majestic layers and volume to your hair.
Sometimes I’ll call in, disguise my voice, and insist on speaking to me, or I’ll take my business elsewhere.
Sorry we can’t be friends, but you spent $50 on a wine scented candle because it smelled good instead of just buying me five bottles of wine.
[straw house]
Wolf: [big inhale]
[gun cock from inside]
Wolf: [soft exhale]
Become a parent, so you can be accused of “using up all the internet” when Fortnite glitches for a millisecond.