My Husband objected to a question I asked in court and we are on the same side if you wanted to know how fun it is to work with your spouse.
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If anyone wants my boiling water recipe dm me
Money doesn’t impress me. You know what does? Treehouses.
Everyone keeps asking me if I’m okay, and I think it’s because I keep showing up to places looking like I was hit by a truck.
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” but so does the one from the living room to the kitchen for snacks and it’s a lot less tiring.
Where do surfers learn to surf?
At boarding school.
Me: *presses stethoscope against bank safe
Thief: well?
Me: omg…
[cut to safe being pushed rapidly down hospital corridor]
I’ve been following a really strict diet for several months now and lately I’m having these nightmares where I wake up and I’m surrounded by a ton of junk food wrappers that I ate in the night. It’s pretty hilarious.
Therapist: How do you two keep the romance alive?
Me: I left him a message in red lipstick on the bathroom mirror last night.
Husband: It said REDRUM.
Body: we’re going to bed
Brain: that doesn’t mean we’re going to sleep
im not a morning person. in the morning i am a goat
Why do squirrels swim on their backs?
“To keep their nuts dry.”
(Please don’t leave me. I was dropped on my head as a baby.)
What is this alien looking thing in a wig trying to sing?
Oh wait thats Nicki Minaj.
Why would an alien in a wig pick Nicki Minaj as a name?
[Romeo and Juliet as turtles]
ROMEO: Death hath sucked the honey of thy breath
JULIET: I’m just stuck on my back
R: we’re turtles, Juliet
I was pretty nervous doing stand-up in front of a bunch of nudists but then I imagined the crowd in their underwear and it helped so much.
trying to convince my wife to stop leaving out food for the scarecrow that ominously gets a little closer to the house each night
“We’ll call you” – OH NO
“You call us” – OH NO
I wipe my counters with raw chicken breasts because I refuse to have weak children.
The Sound of Music taught me if you don’t like your country’s regime, you & your family can safely escape through various musical numbers.
YANKEE DOODLE: *sticks feather in his cap* This is called macaroni
YANKEE DOODLE’S FRIEND: Ok, cool. Listen man, everybody’s worried about u
“I don’t see race.” -Russian guy in the back row of a NASCAR event
If I meet you for a date and you don’t look anything like your pic, you’re buying drinks for me until you do.
for a small fee i’ll attend your funeral from a distance wearing a cowboy hat while standing in the rain and crying, no umbrella, so your family thinks you might have been buzz lightyear.
dentist: have you been flossing
me: have you?
dentist: [to assistant] can he do that
I load up my Volkswagen Beetle just like anyone else: one clown at a time.
To my American friends: On Sunday, don’t forget to set your clocks back one hour. On Tuesday, try not to set your country back 50 years.
when my boyfriend is home i eat three square meals a day and when he is gone i creep into the kitchen for a handful of dry cereal or a pickle every two hours like a tiny rat in a bodega in bedstuy
me: i can’t believe you cheated on me
him: phew! I was worried you’d believe it
I don’t get it. EVERYTHING we do is for money. Why does society condemn it for sex? DAD: Um, okay. Maybe someone ELSE wants to say grace?
To get rid of house guests I just move them from room to room closing doors until they’re on the porch and I’m behind the locked door.
Don’t ever get excited if your kid likes a new food. They won’t like it tomorrow.