My new uniform is so tight I almost broke my fingers getting a card out of my back pocket
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Them: did I tell you about [such & such] ?
Me: Yes
(No they had not)
If you wear cowboy clothes are you technically ranch dressing
HOT WOMAN: So I was wondering…*slowly finishes her drink*…if you’d like to see my bedroom
ME: Oh no thank you, I don’t have any interest in home decor[4 days later]
ME *spits out coffee* DAMN IT
My supervisor said I’m worth my weight in gold so I’m eating these donuts to increase my value.
Parents having a difficult time home schooling their kids – I really feel for you. Nothing could have prevented this. Well, except condoms probably.
Me: [driving into a parking garage]
Wife: why are you ducking your head?
Me: the ceiling is super low, I don’t want the car to scrape it.
Wife: that’s fair.
[ice cream parlor]
WIFE: I’ll have two scoops of vanilla
ME: me too, u could say I want an
WIFE AND CLERK: please don’t
ME: ice cream clone
Lobsters: grabby hands
Mobsters: stabby hands
let’s discuss
You ever get out of the shower and forget to rinse the conditioner out of your hair?.. Yeah, me neither.
If your wife asks which friend would you like to have a threesome with, name her. Not two of her friends. Trust me guys.
I always carry a pocket knife, because I never know when I’ll need to slice open a pocket.
The same people that made fun of me for my calculator watch in high school are now wearing Apple watches.
*First Passover*
The Lord: And you shall consume the meat of the lamb this same night, eating it roasted with unleavened bread and bitter herbs
Me: Like a gyro?
The Lord: Not exactly…
Sorry I lied when I said “I can’t complain.”
Nobody knows how much work I put into looking only this fat.
Toddler: What’s for dinner?
Me: Fish cakes.
Toddler [wide eyes]: FISH CAKES!? Is there frosting?!
Me: ……. Sure.
Studies suggests, 9 out of 10 men prefer a girl
with a big butt. The 10th man prefers the other 9
Anyone else see a huge missed opportunity here?
🌓🌎🌞 <– lunar eclipse
🌎🌓🌞 <– solar eclipse
🌎🌞🌗 <– apocalypse
If your wife is a school crossing guard, you’re missing a huge opportunity if you don’t tell people she’s into human trafficking.
lost another rap battle bc i couldn’t rhyme anything with arthritis
I would be awful at debating I’d be like first of all you are being so mean to me.
Saw a homeless guy this mornin’ he said, “Any change?” Me, “Nope, you’re still cold and homeless.” We laughed & laughed & he stabbed me.
Me: [Walks into kitchen]
[Evil spirit flings open all the cabinet doors]
Me: [Gasps]
I still have Pringles?
If you think you have a stupid question, just remember NASA engineers once asked Sally Ride if 100 tampons were enough for a 7 day mission.
Me: You’re dumping me because I never listen and you’re gay!?
Boyfriend: …No. I said I’m dumping you because you never listen, have a nice day!
ME: Sorry I’m late, I had computer problems.
BOSS: Hard drive?
ME: Nah, there was no traffic, just the computer problems.
My 20mo came in while I was giving 4yo a bath w a bath bomb. “Pink bath?” She asked, dumbfounded. My husband took her to her room but seconds later she came thundering down the hall, pointing, blinded by the injustice, “PINK BATH!!” She yelled and tried to climb in fully clothed.
A bee is willing to end it’s own life just to cause you a tiny amount of pain. I can relate to that level of pettiness.