I love my bodyguard. I would take a bullet for him
I didn’t say you’re dumber than rocks I said you’re dumber than A rock. That’s an important distinction because if you put enough of the right kinds of rocks together and heat them you can make a computer.
Headed to a wedding but my wife said I’m not allowed to refer to the bride as ‘the veiled threat.’
Thunder is fake. It doesn’t even sync up properly with lightning. There’s some guy who waits till he sees lightning and then he presses the thunder button.
I can always tell, after reading the first page, if a script has, at least, two pages.
Me: okay, hit me
Blackjack dealer: *deals me a card*
Blackout curtains because I’ll decide what time it is.
Almost 15 years ago my son was born and you find yourself picturing things they might do in there lives. In that moment, I knew that one day I’d be at high school football game on Friday night watching him.
15 years later and I’m here. Watching him play the tuba at halftime.
Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness. Sweating and panting while trying to open this Amazon package, however…
Them: you haven’t been to the gym in a while
Me: I had a cold
Them: it’s been 7 months
Me: I had a lot of colds
I had an irrational fear of bees until I saw My Girl and it became rational.
Do I consider myself to be mentally stable? Buddy, I don’t even have a horse…
The next time some pretentious wine snob pours you a glass of wine, expecting you to wax lyrical, sip it then say, “Promising”.
That’ll knock the wind out of his sails.
accidentally left my turn signal on for a couple minutes so now i’m going back and turning at all the places i indicated i would
[resorting to cannibalism]
My GF: we’ve only been out here for 4 hours!!
Me: he would have wanted us to survive