A recipe for laughter
Which knight can find anything?
Sir Chengine.
After playing guitar all these years, I thought I’d give piano a try. But that’s not an easy instrument to pick up.
I attended a workshop yesterday on how to deal with election anxiety and we basically had to make a written plan and most people were like “stay off social media” and I said, “I won’t start fights in the comments”
At my last colonoscopy I had the doctor write a note to my wife stating that my head was NOT up there…
My wife: Our daughter played Godzilla with her friend at school today.
Me: Wow! What were you?
Toddler: Godzilla!
Me: And what was your friend?
Toddler: Scared!
We need it on priority
My brother and dad have been arguing over a broken PS1 since February 2000. My brother said my dad broke it one night drunk. Truth is my mate broke it claiming he knew how to chip it and I’ve never told anyone. My mum is on my brother’s side. Comes up at least 5 times a year.