Hey Australia, who won the election tomorrow?
There should be something just for fun on the ballot, like voting for the best flavor of ice cream . I think that would get a lot of people really excited to get involved
rewatching 2016 and 2020 election night coverage at 2x speed, to catch up with the first two in the trilogy before the finale drops tomorrow
I wish more places gave out stickers like the ones you get for voting. “I got a colonoscopy!” “I got a mammogram!” “I got a pap smear!” “I got a prostate exam!”
Someone wrote that today is like waiting for the results of a biopsy, except half your family hopes it’s cancer.
yes, national anxiety is high, but at least it also gets dark at 4pm
Who called it “Monkey Business” instead of In-Ape-propriate behavior?
If you ring my doorbell on election night and ask for candy you WILL get it.
Election Day is on a Tuesday because our government cannot compete with Monday Night Football
Saw someone get offended online and comment “two shay” and I can’t stop thinking about it
My son asked my wife why I make noises every time I stand up.
She told him it’s because I’m a groan man.
Snack for election night!
A lot of people think that the funniest people are actually the most depressed on the inside but I have a comedian friend who’s pretty depressed and he’s one of the worst comedians I know