professor: there are no stupid questions
me: if i ate myself would i disappear or be twice as big
professor: there is one stupid question
That was easy.
You don’t realize how old you truly are until you are required to jump down off of something.
a midwest state really had a “husband calling” competition
Remember when your mom would just drop you off at the mall and have no way to get in touch with you? I don’t even trust my kids to go upstairs alone.
Soda bread tastes so good after I remove 200 raisins from each square inch of bread.
60% of Americans? That’s almost half. 🙂
There is a mosquito that has been trailing me for two days. I’ve swatted and clapped but it has proven to be the stronger of us both. It’s time to give in to my place on the food chain
Me: Your sandwiches are ready
16: My ride just got here early *grabbing a sandwich & taking huge bite*
Me: Take them with you. Those Philly cheesesteaks better get eaten
16: *hug, laughing, taking plate w/him* Mama, 3 teenagers, 1 car, 2 Philly cheesesteaks. They’ll get eaten
For legacy verified accounts whose check hasn’t disappeared, for just $7 a month I will reply to every one of your posts and tell people you didn’t pay for twitter.
me: Guess what? Your dad’s going to be on the radio!
7yo: What’s the radio?
Pet Store Cashier: “Would you like a bag?”
Me: “Yes, I’d like a bag for my bag of birdseed.”