First time seeing these brilliant print ads for Scrabble today. Published in Ukraine in August 2014 by ad agency Twiga.
Buddhist monks often spend decades searching for nirvana but that’s only because they don’t know how to block someone.
That awkward moment when the poltergeist in the TV calls you by the wrong name.
Spring love is in the air!
*sprays repellent*
“Make good choices,” I say to myself, as I choose a small plate to make a towering pile of nachos on, instead of a large plate.
My baby girl and I like to play a game called poop or toot. She makes a face and I get to sniff her diaper. There are no winners.
Felt like crap, so I drank an energy drink. Now I’m talking really fast and cleaning things I didn’t even know I owned.
Well, well, well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own food choices.
Bookternity leave should be a thing. Like maternity leave but for when you have new books to read
My toxic trait is that I answer “spam likely” calls, because maybe I can fix them.
Tall people everywhere want you stop asking them if they play basketball:
My kids are fighting about who the cat likes more. We don’t even have a cat
Me: Man I love the eighties
Grandparents: We have names
Walked out of the hospital with my newborn daughter on Friday to go home. Got outside, she took one look around, smirked and rolled her eyes. I couldn’t help but think… “she’s already smarter than me.”
Do guys with big trucks realize the only big trucks women find sexually attractive are food trucks?