we need to bring back easter eggs on DVDs in case the Doctor ever needs to communicate with someone thirty years in the future to warn them about a race of terrifying sentient statues with the power to send people back in time.
With the right amount of pressure I can make my forehead look like a brain – could be useful
Adult trick-or-treating: One house gives chocolate, the next gives wine, and the last tells me how to stop killing my plants.
There are at least two things in this ad that caught my attention
Hotel desk clerk: so one room, two queens, two knights?
Elton John and Nigel Hawthorne: …
Petition to rename deer to good will so deer hunters have to say they’re good will hunting. HOW DO YOU LIKE DEM APPLES
As someone who has fallen for one of the classic blunders, being involved in a land war in Asia, I can tell you that I can be tricked into almost anything
First thing I do when I move into a new apartment is buy a drum set
“soooo little update I’m kinda seeing someone..” — me to my psychiatrist about the tall shadowy figure in a bowler hat in the corner of my room
whenever they do this I can only imagine athletes are telling each other who they have a crush on
“That there’s a damn shame, Bill. Yeah, no, sorry, I didn’t see anything. I was visiting my sister’s tree over on Morgan. I’ll ask around and let you know if I hear something, though. Geez, what a world, am I right? Anyway, your homeowners policy should cover it, no?”
i wish i could throw tomatoes at tweets
Got kicked out of Scale Model Club for suggesting we change our name to the Itty Bitty City Committee.
My dad’s always complaining about the thermostat.
He’ll say to me, “Daniel, why did you get a tattoo of a Thermos?”
when someone dies in the hospital and they put a sheet over them that’s just bc they’re preparing them for being a ghost