hoping jesus comes back soon, preferably on a monday, so we can get another holiday
I miss the days when my 2yo didn’t have opinions and I could dress him in whatever I wanted.
Her: What’s with the bunny?
Him: I’m teaching him to look into the mirror and say, “you talkin’ to me?”
Her: Why?
Him: Because Rabbit Deniro is a badass and an artist, Lauren.
If they really loved you, they’d absorb you through osmosis.
If you’re in Burger King longer than 5 minutes, you’re the manager
Every parent the first time their teen drives on the freeway.
Penguins can’t fly either but pigs are the ones who got famous for their inadequacies
Me: I don’t think this is going to work
Wife: I know, I’ve been feeling like that for a long time. We’ll be so much happier with other people
M: I was talking about switching the toilet paper so it rolls under
I did the DNA test 23 and me. I’m 85% Hagen Dazs and only 15% Reeses! This test is bullshit!
Her: You’ve been quiet.
Him: Thank you.
No one:
My kid at 6am: if we plant a sausage maybe we can grow a sausage tree
Me: *To my 5YO* Can I have your Twix? Those were my favorite at your age.
5YO: They used to make Twix when the world first started?
Friend: Man he drinks like a fish.
Me: [crouched in a tiny pirate castle with a 12 pack] I’m freaking the hell out.
Fairy godmother: Remember, at midnight the spell will be broken.
Me in my 30’s: Oh no worries. I’ll be done and at home in my pajamas by 8pm.
FGM: Oh no, my dear, you have until midni—
Me: 8PM.
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