I don’t work from home because there are too many distractions. My house has a TV and a PlayStation and it’s impossible to concentrate on these if I have to work.
I never found the Headless Horseman that impressive, because the horse still has a head and is clearly doing all the navigating. My first thought wouldn’t be “demon guy” it would be “service horse, make sure not to pet it”
My neighbor, whose name I thought was Chuck (for two years), told me his name and I immediately forgot it.
I thought there had to be another explanation for why they disappear but a repairman just took apart my washer machine AND IT WAS FULL OF LOOSE SOCKS
My dog couldn’t find his favorite toy so I got on my hands and knees and crawled around the house for 10 minutes looking under all the furniture, and he was SO excited for me to be down there with him, I could tell he was like “YES she finally figured out how to walk”
The median voter
when i quit my job i’m setting one last OOO message that just says “your email will never find me again”
a lot of yall don’t understand politics because your history teacher was the football coach
5-year-old asked if Santa can see her when she’s naked. I said no of course not because obviously I want her to feel safe and secure, but now I’m getting the sense that she was looking for a loophole and will be nakedly breaking rules in the near future.
I don’t know how my parents avoided boredom before the internet. My 13 brothers and sisters don’t know either.
4yo as he’s falling asleep: Mom, when I’m a grown up and have my own house, will you come live with me?
Me: of course, bud.
4yo: Good, because I’m going to need a lot of help taking care of the snakes.
I feel like not enough people are aware of how unhinged dunkin’s latest ad campaign is
Nativity season is upon us! My son has been cast as a wise man. My daughter, on the otherhand –
coworker: we’re all gonna go to dinner next thursday. you in?
me: no thanks i’m not hungry