Note to self: just because it’s in the map app’s directions doesn’t mean the road is paved.
going to ask seven friends for advice and then execute my original plan
Crazy to think during a small window of time that Shaq was 5’2”
I’m going to tell people they’ve put on weight while handing them a plate of food, so I can be my mom for Halloween.
Just found $27 in my washing machine, it’s a bad day to be an Applebees happy hour
Free will was a bad idea.
I should have charged for it.
Wind chimes are a bit like children. You can enjoy the sounds of your own but everyone else’s is like a cheese grater on sunburnt skin.
My new work colleague went to Argentina on holiday in September. I knew instantly he and I were not going to be friends when I said to him “at that time of year, it can be bordering on Chile” and he proceeded to tell me he was okay as he’d taken a jacket.
When we’re young we are told that we should trust our elders but my dad used to tell me that there’s a breed of fish that only swims backwards because they want to keep their eyes from getting wet so…
beginning to suspect my gf is only using me for my foot warming capabilities late at night
Life is getting worse in small but noticeable ways almost every day, but on the other hand, the quality and variety of the frozen pizza aisle has never been better.