Cop: ma’am i pulled you over because you were tailgating me
Me: okay first of all, if you didn’t want me tailgating you maybe you shouldn’t have a dog in the car
Some say their relationship is built on trust. Others, friendship. Mine is built on an ancient Indian burial ground.
It’s almost like none of my friends and family want to hear about the healthy lifestyle I adopted three days ago.
Wife: *comes home, sees backyard, leaves*
Me: *presiding over well-attended raccoon wedding* Will we see you at the reception!?!?
Like when you make a mistake on your paper so you use wite-out but then it gets all chunky and busted and worse. That’s concealer in your 40s.
overheard my 7yo telling a friend he speaks Italian but what the friend doesn’t know is to my son speaking Italian just means shouting “ITSA ME! MARIO!”
Driver: I hope you’re not a serial killer, haha
Me *getting in*: well, I wouldn’t say ’serial‘
I’ve lubed my DMs so that anyone who slides into them slides right out the other side.
Wife: I just want a honest opinion of my outfit
Me *signing her up to a rap battle* and you’ll get one
Honestly the only reason I had more than one kid was so one day they’d be able to push each other on the swings. That shit is exhausting.
I love when Scandinavian people on internet forums are like “Sorry for the bad English, I still have a considerable amount to learn about your language, again I apologize for my diction which is likely quite malformed,”
Sometimes I don’t delete negative instagram comments. I wait until they tally up some likes. Then I go see who liked the negative comment and block them. That way the person who left the negative comment did a service for me. They worked for me for free.
If I was a Disney princess I’d most likely be Tacobelle.
Thanks for reading.
I’d remove my mittens to text you back, baby
-Canadians flirting
Me: One more peep out of you kids and I’ll turn this car around
Son: *slowly excretes a marshmallow chick*