My wife gave me an Oura ring.
Every night at 9 it tells me it’s time to get ready for bed.
It tells me when I should get up and walk around, and when I should relax.Is my wife outsourcing?
My neighbours say I should travel more, and further away, for longer
My wife and I met at a ‘Make a Jelly in the Shape of a US President’ class, and I knew she was the one, from the moment I set Eisenhower.
Me and my best friend after eating very sour candy
In 1949 a US senator attempted to ban popcorn in cinemas. During a Senate hearing about it, another senator handed out free popcorn. The law was never passed.
Pretty excited about making a huge Thanksgiving feast so my daughter can eat a roll.
One cool thing about getting older is that you’re not asked about your long term plan very much.
Ask not if it pleases the court – ask what the court can do to please you.
– Chapter Three, Contempt Of Court For Dummies
4 Mesh Shirts That Will Make You Look Like A Sexy Little Asian Pear
this is not ok. they turnt him into ice crims 💔💔