Me: I’m a tenor.
Her: You’re a six, and I’m being generous.
For Sale : Used Facebook account ~ get up to the minute weather forecast, religious counseling and countless pictures of Jenny’s cat.
There’s been a whole lot of office Romance since I became self employed…
If you see someone wearing camouflage, make sure to walk right into them so they know it’s working.
Outlook- work1234
Aol- kidsnames
home alarm- anniversary
Twitter- supercalifragilist{middlename}espialido{graduationyear}cious
As of last night my mom has more Aerosmith tattoos than my sister again. For now anyway.
If I worked at a pizza place I would use pepperoni to spell out “Marry me?” on pizzas all the time just to make things awkward for couples.
Mom: I think I’ll name her Jenny.
Dr: I’m sorry, that name is already taken, but you can name her jenny_2828
Doing some research on the Fresh Prince of Belair. Does anybody know where he was born and raised and where he spent most of his days?
Had sex with a condom tonight.
Maybe next time it will be with a girl.
Songs with lyrics like, “We don’t need sleep,” why are you rebelling against naps? What are you–four?
“This won’t end well, mark my words.
Mark, my words.
MY WORDS! I NEED MY WORDS, MARK!!!”*Mark sweatily fumbles with the script*
*puts leash around pet lobster*
I think there will be games and lots of friends to play with Pinchy
*walks into Lobsterfest*
This day in history. 1940. Carbon-14 was discovered, allowing us to estimate the age of organic materials such as wood, leather, and Cher.
You have to hand it to Subway for convincing us it’s acceptable to eat an entire loaf of bread for lunch.