My week is basically:
Monday #2
Monday #3
Monday #4
on earth: a magiciam puts his hand in his hat
in the rabbit realm: The Hand emerges. it is time. the rabit council must chose a sacrifice
Wife: Go out for breakfast?
Me: Sure!
Wife: Ok, let me shower first.
*showers, dresses & puts on makeup*
Me: Where should we have lunch?
If by cat person you mean I like to sleep all day and poo in sand then yes I am a cat person.
If I wake and then I bake, I pray The Lord for chocolate cake. Amen.
BREAKING NEWS: Due to the horrible conditions at Sochi, the Olympics have been moved to a much safer place.. Chernobyl.
Seriously, ladies. If you just stop sleeping with douchebags eventually their species will go extinct. Look at the big picture here.
I thought Snapchat was just a conversation with a sassy black woman.
Brought a ninja to a gunfight and it was really cool. Everyone clapped. Then they shot him.
Someone asked me what the sound of one hand clapping was so I slapped his face.
Telling people to ban same sex marriage cuz of your religion is like telling the supermarket to stop selling junk food cuz you’re on a diet.
*knock at the door*
“Hi, i’m not a mouse”
“Phew, that’s good because im a large block of cheese, lemme just open thARGGGHHHHHHH
Today I learned not all people are appreciative of vetriloquism. Especially my gynecologist.
If you’re ever lost in the woods and have a compass, the compass can help you be lost more north.
Tried to impress 9 by making up sentences containing 3 of her vocabulary words at once, so now she knows what “nerd” means.