The only problem with the free bread they serve to your table at restaurants is that they don’t do it everywhere else. I want to be served focaccia while I’m getting my car fixed. I want my doctor to offer me a baguette and olive oil while she’s checking my blood pressure.
I enjoy a glass of wine each night for its health benefits.
The other glasses are for my witty comebacks and flawless dance moves…
Last night my son gave me a dollar and told me I was a “good guy” and I think he might be in the mob now
The days of good grammer has went
I think a Muppet should host the presidential debates
I’m a people pleaser, unless you don’t like that. Then I’m not.
Apparently “this house is a prison” wasn’t the right thing to say when my husband made me get out of bed this morning.
Parent hack: if you tell your kids Monday is a holiday they’ll wake up early and you can get them to school on time.
dreams are fun because I go to sleep a full-grown adult then spend 8 hours terrorized by my high school locker combination
Sam Skoronski
Lovers of board games and card games are going to love my exciting new combo, cardboard games.
the passive aggression of Snapchat asking “do you want to abandon your snapsterpiece?” and forcing you to click “abandon” like sorry I’m not carrying this picture of my bagel to term, I had a moment of clarity and remembered literally no one needs to see this
Big respect to the guy in this cafe trying to make the woman he’s with feel better because she’s saying how bad her eyesight is getting, by telling her “no but everything is so small these days. No one can see anything”
Text from my mom, after watching my sons all day:
“Did the boys show you the movie they made that’s 17 minutes long and is the most boring thing on earth?”
Unlike smoking, vaping doesn’t reduce your sex drive. It just reduces the sex drive of the people who see you vaping.
oh you like architecture? name three walls
Congratulations on angrily speeding past me to get to the red light first. You’re special.