A psychiatrist is just a friend you pay to listen to your problems because your other friends are tired of hearing about them.
What about “BusinessMyspace”? Nah, it’s taken. Okay, what about “LinkedIn”?
Absence makes the heart grow fonder, but my boss just gets mad when I don’t come to work 🙁
After I saw that my wife “Checked In” to the mall I called to report her credit cards stolen.
It’s my mom’s personal mission in life to save me 20% on all my purchases by clipping out and giving me every coupon known to mankind.
“I’m frying some fish for supper, so yall come over & eat” is what I said.
“You’re also gonna be helping me move my piano” is what I meant.
If your going to insult me at least make me Google it
You call it armed robbery, I call it people giving me gifts to celebrate my new gun!
No one is born racist. Racism is taught. By other races.
I’m worried my dog will never find out who’s a good boy.
Dogs lick each other’s butts to tell each other they like them. Just like politicians
My liver’s so black, it went to a respected college, got a great job, and made it’s family very proud.
Weren’t expecting that, huh?
Criminal Tip:
Buy a gun from a guy off the streets.
As soon as he sells it to you, point it at him & get your $$ back.
Free gun.
I’m circling the auto shop and hoping that my mechanic can hear me yelling, “BRAKES!”.
Wait…so I get a million dollars AND I get to punch a baby in the face?
-me when someone asks if I would punch a baby for a million bucks