After watching Honey Boo Boo, I realize America has much bigger problems than the national debt.
Everyone has that psycho ex we pray we’ll never run into again. If you don’t you’re probably it.
LOL pills that say don’t take with alcohol. Ok Doc, how do YOU
suggest I take my medication then?
After drinking that much, I just hope whatever I bring back home is some sort of human.
Legalize drugs. Criminalize dumbasses.
Was just talking with a friend who refuses to give her husband a blow job because it’s “dirty”.
Told her not to worry, someone else will.
Girls complain about guys using them for sex, but sex is awesome! Start bitching when he uses you for laundry, or as a human shield.
The bartender just threw the bottle of vodka in the air and caught it. Maybe next time it’ll turn into a college degree.
I told my therapist that I’m a whore. He disagreed and said I’m a people pleaser, so I blew him just to make sure we’re on the same page.
If my girlfriend doesn’t start being nicer to me, I’m totally gonna bottle up my rage and stay in this shitty relationship for 2 more years.
Every time you block report some porn bot for spam, I lose another follower.
Each one of us has a secret. My secret is that I can’t keep a secret. Also Jill is a lesbian.
Sometimes you look at an ex and think maybe they’re not so bad. And then they start to talk and remind you why you hate them.
You are right, 27 is “just a number” but I’m looking for a man, not a boy.
No offense.
PS: Save my number… just in case I change my mind.
Not enough drugs in the world that would make me strip in front of a webcam. But a bottle of wine should do it.