I was helping my son with his geography homework and I told him that the capital of Iceland was New Bjork so now I have another meeting with his teacher.
My husband accidentally locked himself out of the house, and I didn’t hear him knocking until I finished eating the rest of his cheesecake. So weird.
Like jury duty, people should be randomly selected to work awful retail or food service shifts, just so everyone understands how horribly these folks are treated
Imagine lawyers calling in to their firms like, “Ugh the case will have to wait, just got called for Applebee’s duty”.
We buried our grandad with his exercise bike – he’s spinning in his grave.
I warned my wife the tattooist was no good and sure enough she came back with disappointment written all over her face.
“Clean” my shower? Then what? Give my car a ride into town? Grow up
Went to the toilet once and a guy in the next cubicle said “alright, mate! What you up to there?” I replied “hey just having a shit”. An awkward pause followed before the guy in the next cubicle said “I’ll have to call you back, mate….” I hid in that cubicle for an hour.
You know when you’ve run out of loo paper and you have to do that little shuffle with your knickers round your ankles…
Thankfully I’m almost at Tesco’s.
Me: I want to buy a keyboard
Yamaha: yep
Me: … and a guitar
Yamaha: yeah we got you bro
Me: also weird q but do you know where i can find a jet ski?
Yamaha: you’re not gonna believe this
If you’re wondering why it seems like there are so many birthdays these past few weeks it’s because we are the result of parents who have sex once a year on Valentines Day
santa can deliver all those presents in one night because he’s mainlining that panera lemonade
The Innuendo Society has reported a huge rise in its members
My neighbor was yelling at her kids so I joined in by repeating everything she said.
I get now why they call it being a cougar bc to get my recommended daily protein I gotta take down an elk
Limbo is the only sport where being really bad at it means you’re raising the bar.