any time someone tells me to “be better” i always say “show me how” and they get really mad
I thinking about becoming a cop. Well, not really a cop but a quirky outsider like on TV who shows up at crime scenes and points out all the clues that experienced detectives missed
I read that the average Thanksgiving dinner for 10 people this year will cost around $58. I can only imagine they must be figuring the 10 people will be small children and the only thing they’ll be eating is the dinner rolls
Yes I’m the dude at the liquor store with a grocery cart but in my defense I do have 10 relatives coming over for dinner tomorrow
I got a raise! On my meds dosage. But still
So rude to come up with solutions to my excuses
Irregardless, for all intensive purposes, I could care less
Yesterday I wore something from 10 years ago that actually fit…It was a scarf but still
i can’t work under these festive conditions
I’m having my mother-in-law for Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow. She asked what she could bring. I said, “Bring some pie and cranberries and stuffing and mashed potatoes with gravy and a golden brown turkey.”
“We ride at dawn”
Me headed to the grocery on Thanksgiving eve
Don’t forget to donate blood today to make room for more food
if pennywise had a fraternal twin it’d be named quarterstupid
Your chances of being hunted by a turkey are low, but never zero.
If you want to avoid dementia, choose parents without it in their genealogy. Science shows everything is genetic. Especially intelligence