[poorly lit restaurant]
me: I can’t see the menu
wife: just ask the waiter to bring some candles
me: no I want food
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Drug dealers are always late. If your drug dealer is on time, it’s the police.
[cuts open a gender reveal cake and several black cats pop out]
Oh hell yes we’re having a witch!
This started out as a simple cucumber account.
But drunk and horney ladies, gave cucumbers a bad reputation.
Cop: Tell me again why you pulled out scissors and gave her bangs.
Me: She was flirting with a hot dad that I had my eye on.
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Adding “Noted muralist” to Wile E. Coyote’s Wikipedia page.
[Outside liquor store]
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Me: Sure, if you show me how stories on Instagram work I’ll buy you black tar heroin.
I had no idea being an adult would involve so many lotions.
I love it when I’m cooking a meal and half way through I realise I don’t have all the ingredients so I improvise by eating a cake instead.
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ate a tomato sandwich on the porch and watched some kids kick a can, if anyone wants anything from 1935
Me: Do you love me?
Husband: What did you break this time?
The true crime urge to leave clear fingerprints everywhere you go, just in case
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*looks at the casket suspiciously*
Erwin Schrödinger.”
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Person: I really DO want your honest advice
Me: NO you don’t
Me: I’m your friend. What I think doesn’t matter. He’s your husband. Sit down like 2 grown ass adults & have a conversation. Tell HIM not me & y’all work it out
P: *pause* Um, what’s your less honest advice?
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date: can you ask the waiter if he has chicken legs
me: *quietly* no, it’s probably just the way he walks
Grocery store
Me: reach something for me?
Tall guy: sure thing!
Me: I have an itch right under my left shoulder blade.
“Why don’t traffic cops wear pullovers?” and other questions that I ponder at 3:30 a.m.
Sometimes you think you only have one cat but after you stay home a week you find you have two that look alike.
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