[reading of my fathers will]
Lawyer: and I bequeath to my son $100k as-
Me: heh, bequeath
Lawyer: long as that immature vomit fondler doesn’t laugh at the word ‘bequeath’
Me: he didn’t even have $100k, did he?
Lawyer: no, he just knew
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— My 5yo holding up the diary I bought him at his school’s Scholastic book fair
Sir, the children at the petting zoo are unhappy. They think our animals are lame
*stares off into distance*
We’re gonna need a bigger goat
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Me: ‘Hahaha, that never gets old! Large pepperoni.’
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Me: No
– Hello, Police.
– I need to speak to an officer please. I’ve been accused of chucking something at someone, but it was only a bit of my dessert!
– Just pudding you threw.
– Thanks.
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Wife: Yeah, non-alcoholics call that cinnamon.
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wife: are u…
bert: don’t
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1 yr old Son: [picks up toy basketball and takes three wobbly steps forward].
Wife: omg he just took his first steps!
Me: [visibly upset] yeah but he traveled.
Things I’m leaving in 2021:
Telling my kids to brush their teeth. Have fun with cavities you dummies.
Hiding my snacks from kids. No you can’t have any. Get a job and buy your own.
Waiting until 5pm to drink wine. 9am rosé pairs well with another lockdown and virtual learning.
a lot to unpack here
Them: “I hate to be a…”
Me: “Then don’t.”
Date: What do you do?
Me *holds up menu* you just choose a meal from this book of food
ZOMBIE: braaains
LION ZOMBIE: maaanes
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A spook-easy.
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[son’s football game]
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Me: I can’t remember. I just wait for him in the car when the games over
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