remember: knives and alcohol don’t mix. knives are solid they don’t mix with anything. why where you trying to drink a knife anyways idiot
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A food delivery system that only delivers food containing potatoes.
Tuber Eats.
6: My favorite kind of melon is Watermelon. What’s your favorite kind of melon?
11: Post Melon
When a cop gives you a ticket for speeding he won’t be impressed when you tell him “I do this all the time.”
I know this now.
ME: *showing my new girlfriend my golf clubs* I’ve been playing for years.
HER: Cool. Did you ever get a hole-in-one?
ME: No, they’re made of metal so they’re pretty strong.
HER: I need to see other people
Me, “There’s a warning light on in my car.”
Husband, “What does it say?”
Me, “It’s just a picture of an oblong thing.”
H, “The engine?”
Me, “It looks more like a submarine.”
Me, “Exactly what I thought. We are so connected.”
Sorry dinner took so long! My son wanted to help and he had never used a can opener, so…the tuna casserole took about six hours longer than it should have. But he learned so much in that time.
Bon appetit!
I don’t get it. Rock beats scissors but no one says shit about running with them.
Buffalo Wild Wings: Did you order ahead?
Me: No it was just wings.
Mickey wouldn’t last 2 min in a Tom & Jerry episode
*watches a house fall on you*
*steals your shoes*
OK so maybe I didn’t respond to your text physically but I definitely did mentally it’s not my fault you couldn’t read my mind
Friend: [handing me baby] Here’s the apple of my eye
Me: Why is this apple crying? And why does your eye have an apple? What kind of apple—oh my god I think your eye apple just pooped
Any t-shirt can be an ironic t-shirt if you hate things enough
She said she liked it doggy style…
…but when I threw the frisbee, she didn’t even budge.
Two wolves? Cute. I’ve got 8 pieces of pizza in me
Daughter didn’t want “sunscream” so I put her outside and yelled “SUN…. GET HER” and now she’s flipping out.
Biden: I wonder if I’ll still get free ice cream when I’m no longer VP
Obama: Joe, we have bigger problems.
[1st date]
You’re gonna love this place
*pushes you out the passenger side door and drives away
This is the most amazing dad shit I’ve ever seen. Dude let the baby go, caught the ball, recovered the baby mid air, only spilled a drop of beer and the baby didn’t drop the bottle.
You’ve taken 3 pregnancy tests this month.
“What’s your point”
My point is that your shoplifting is odd and out of control Eric.
I’ve had the same dentist for 40 years, so it pisses me right off when he asks if I want a sticker. Of course I want a sticker, I always want my sticker. It’s bloody scary going to the dentists and I deserve my sticker compensation. Once I got two and I was so fucking happy.
Me: When I had a successful allotment, I got a lot of unexpected attention from women.
Him: Grew peas?
Me: No, just female vegetable enthusiasts.
With me, it’s not PRIDE that comes before a fall. It’s half a bottle of vodka and a coffee table that I forgot existed.
My wife doesn’t believe that auto correct changed “Yes dear” to “Hell no I’m not picking your mother up from the airport at 1am.”
How quickly family vacations go from omg we only have 4 days left to omg we still have 4 days left
Overheard at the grocery store:
“Oh, I need a baguette.”
“A female bag?”
“God, you’re such a himbo, Kyle.”
I miss childhood because my back didn’t hurt and I didn’t have to make dinner every night
Body: All done?
Brain: All done.
Body: goodnight
Brain: goodnight
Brain:Brain: Flintstone tiptoed a lot for a big dude
Rey: Why do you hide behind a mask?
Kylo Ren: *takes off his mask to reveal his real face*
Rey: Wow. Put the mask back on.
Some guy in a strange costume walked up my front steps but when I went to give him some candy he just gave me some mail