Roses are red,
except for all of the other colors of roses that have been in existence for thousands of years. Those are different colors.
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Fact: If you blast hiphop at a shallot, it becomes a rapscallion.
I’m slowly replacing people in my life with different snack foods.
Love when strangers try to fact check your personal tweets, like why would i lie about throwing up, Kevin? lol.
Me: got my fries just gonna open this packet of ketchup.
Ketchup Packet: haha nope.
Me: come on man please.
Ketchup Packet: use your teeth.
Me: uh what?
Ketchup Packet: use. your. teeth.
Me: ugh fine.
[ketchup explodes everywhere]
Ketchup Packet: lol.
When you’re British and you need to deliver the sickest burn possible
Swapping all the oxygen tanks with helium at the nursing home today.
Once they’re all floating I’ll walk in dressed like a ghost buster and save the day
On the list of things I’ve learned today:
1. You’re not allowed to walk a police dog
2. Pepper spray recovery time is 37 minutes
[in bed, 6 AM]
Me: Good morning.
Wife: mmmph
Me: Happy Easter.
Wife: mmhmm
Me: Guess who else is also Risen this morn-
My Chihuahua every time someone knocks on the door
Wait – if the planet is spinning faster, maybe I *didn’t* gain weight. Maybe there’s more gravity.
[ from bed ]
*accio coffee*
damnit it didn’t work again
I decided to beat Black Friday and start my Christmas shopping early.
*Runs Amazon van off the road
I’d really like for my friends to host an intervention for me, there’s nothing wrong or anything, I just think it would be cool to see everyone
Remember when the current stupidest thing was the “Gotta Get Down on Friday” song? We didn’t know how good we had it.
Guys, the server commented on my healthy appetite as she was clearing my plate. It’s okay to eat her too, right? I didn’t have breakfast.
Horton Hears a who?
Horton Hears a what?
Horton Hears a huh?
Horton hears a chicka chikca chicka chicka slim shady.
I have determined there is no quiet way to get a pan out of a cabinet in the morning
Cop: You were speeding so I’m going to be giving you a ticket
Me: Ooh, could I win something
Cop: Sort of, 2 more of these & you get a bike
Married men aren’t allowed to go the grocery store alone because we’re the kid in the shopping cart, but with money
TV 20 years ago: “it starts out clunky but if you suffer through the first 45 episodes it starts to almost get good!”
TV now: “If this 8hrs of tv doesn’t break all viewing records within the first 20 minutes of its release we’re going to shoot the cast”
I bet Ryan Gosling doesn’t even blow his candles out. He probably just winks at them and they faint.
what if eric trump is actually a nigerian prince
Interviewer: says here you’re a sniper
Me [opening gun case]: affirmative
Interviewer: is that a Supersoaker with a Pringles can taped to it
Changed my ex’s name in my phone contacts because hearing Siri say, “Your lack of self respect is calling,” while I’m driving is hilarious every single time
[spelling bee]
JUDGE: the word is “semicolon”
ME: can you use it in a sentence?
JUDGE: not really, no
Bear Grylls: *cuts with knife* These can be edible, but I must avoid the toxic parts.
Taco Bell Manager: You need permission to film in here
horses don’t know when they’re acting in a period drama. they just woke up one day and all their friends showed up in stupid outfits.
When ya leave Twitter it’s called twittercide.
What about Instagram?
Instagramicide? IGicide? Instacide? Gramicide? Instadead? Instagone?
The spelling of “bourgeoisie” was intended as yet another means of oppression
Why is everyone getting married at me