simultaneously my vacuum caught fire and my crush texted me, so the vacuum had to wait
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Russian skater just explained that he is “not a robot,” proving, of course, that he is a robot. #Olympics
Boss: Are you high?
Me: If I was high could I do this?
*teleports two inches to the right*
Please be on notice:
From this point forward, I shall tweet exactly whatever autocorrect provides.
I’m sorry if that isn’t exact whet you were expectorant.
Just sayin’ people weren’t catching the COVID back when we were eating Tide Pods.
Now that I’m vaccinated I’m up for any social activity as long as it starts at six, ends by seven, involves food and doesn’t require real pants.
Parent Tip: don’t tell your child “I’m waiting, I can wait all day if I have to” unless you’ve actually cleared your schedule for the day.
how come in movies people can punch each other 500 times while falling off a building and get up but in real life i accidentally kicked the end of the couch and i had to lie on the floor for 30 minutes
Wife: What were the exact years of the Hundred Years War?
Me: Don’t know. Just Google it.
W: Geez, when did people stop using their brains?
M: Don’t know. Just Google it.
Me: One last time for old times’ sake?
Broken washer: No.
Five-word horror story:
“I’m going that way too”
getting off the floor: the extreme sport of middle age
My 5-year-old who just turned 5 talks about being 5 like she’s reached the peak of adulthood, “I’m 5 now.” Relax girlfriend you can’t even open your own fruit snacks.
A rusted van sits under a bridge.
Rats gnaw on moldy Scooby Snacks.
Shaggy takes a hit off the pipe.“WHY COULDN’T YOU LOVE ME VELMA?”
Top 5 oxymorons:
1. Jumbo shrimp
2. Civil war
3. Virtual reality
4. Great outdoors
5. Family vacation
*Tries to hit the gym*
*Gym hits back*
When I die I want my hearse to play ice cream truck music
Therapist: It’s all “me me me”. Try to think of others instead
Me: I’ll try[Later]
Me *to murderer* no PLEASE don’t kill uh Paul Rudd
love is out there. so are bigfoot and the loch ness monster
Who ya gonna believe babe… me or some random police report.
Annnnd that’s how the fight started.
date: “your chances of dying are lower on a roller coaster than a horse”
me: “no way”
date: “true story”
me: “i’ve never even seen a horse on a roller coaster”
In current news:
US: Stop that
Middle East: Stop what?
US: That
Middle East: This?
US: Yes that
Middle East: This?
Me: Theres a large rat in the bathroom
Barista: ?
Me: A large rat
Barista: ?
“Come out of your shell” they said.
*2 minutes later*
“Back in the shell… BACK IN THE SHELL!!!”
I have an inferiority complex about my superiority complex.
I know I’m better than you, but I feel really bad about it.
FOR SALE: golden retriever puppies don’t worry they are not haunted. also they don’t have swords. no ghosts or swords. ok i lied they are full of ghosts and wielding so many swords
[person having normal conversation with me]
Brain: that reminds me of a song, you should sing as a response
Rosetta Stone says they’ll have me speaking another language in a month. Babbel says one week. But this bourbon only takes, like, an hour.
*pulls out 50 inch TV*
What? It’s really a phone.
*writing résumé*
Strengths? I’m great at multitasking
*explosion in kitchen*
My popcorn!
*car crashes through fence*
I forgot I was driving!