Sorry I was late I was trying to separate my shopping cart from another one
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Me: I want a raise
Boss: ok and why do you think you deserve a raise?
Me: that’s not what I said
well well well if it isn’t the bridge I said i’d cross when I came to it
Just left the polling place and they’re…clapping? They’re saying I was the best voter and I was so easy to work with and listened to the instructions so well and I made all the correct choices and no ones ever done it as well as me before. The poll worker lady is crying
starting my period on election day because i’m a true patriot who bleeds for this country
Welcome to your 40s: that was a good cookie here’s four pounds.
Me: I want to take you home and drink you up baby
Case of beer: I have a boyfriend
Taking applications for a semi pro story telling back scratcher.
Must work nights.
All along the watchtower, people squinted and said “I told you we should have built a clock tower.”
Hungover? Hydrate. Anxious? Hydrate. Want to advance Satan’s agenda here on Earth? Hydrate.
My friends are fully aware that our designated meeting times are rough estimates.
[operating room]
SURGEON: We’ve lost him
NURSE: Exact time of death?
GUY IN THE CORNER INSTALLING CABLE: Sometime between 2pm and 6pm
My name is Irving Markowitz.
You took my seafood.
Prepare to die.
Oh good, a gift card to Arby’s.
*waits for their birthday*
Them: Thanks Aimee for the…
*opens box*
(cat hair pasted to paper & framed)
CINDERELLA: my parents r dead
CINDERELLA: im being abused
CINDERELLA: i need a new outfit
Woman: which one is yours?
My wife: over there [points to team of firefighters cutting me from a tire swing]
Confuse your doctor by putting on rubber gloves while he does.
2 halloweens ago I was brutally owned by a small child when I answered my door in normal clothes and she said “nice lumberjack costume.”
– inventor of popcorn
Kid 1: Why’d u call me Aphrodite?
Me: After the Greek goddess of love
Kid 2: What about me?
Me: Well Alvin, ur named after a famous chipmunk
Made my wife laugh so hard that she spit out her milk so I said, “At least you’re consistent” & the laugh got replaced with a steak knife.
A rap song where I’m just telling my dog about my day & I keep rhyming with “treats” so he stays interested.
a fat bumblebee keeps bumping into the window trying to get inside and ignores me explaining that outside with the sun and fresh air and flowers is where he wants to be so I’m holding my laptop up to the glass to show him I’m doing my taxes and convince him this is the bad place
WIFE: I wish you would drop this stupid genie act
HUSBAND: honey I already told you, you’re out of wishes
Waking up extra early gives you more time and helps you focus. On all that extra time you could have been asleep.
*Me coming home after a frustrating day*
Grandmother: *sensing I could use a win* How about those…upped dogs, eh?
Screaming out, “YOUR HARMFUL SIDE EFFECTS DON’T SCARE ME,” in a pharmacy, gets you moved to the front of the line, apparently.
Just a reminder: 3-year-olds like to be given a choice! When you’re getting ready to go, ask them “would you like to wear sneakers or sandals?” so that they feel INCLUDED and EMPOWERED to scream at the top of their lungs that they want to wear their Mickey Mouse bedroom slippers
how to screw with your cat’s head 101
[knock at door]
ME: yes?
COP: is there a party going on?
ME: well, it’s my dog’s birthday-
[police dog jumps out with a present in his mouth]