[space shuttle]
Captain: prepare for landing
Me: roger that
C: reverse thrusters
M: sretsurht lol
C: lol
*we smash full speed into the moon*
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It was the best of times, it was the election year of times.
How’s homeschooling going?
I just failed grade 5 math.
I never learned to swim because I didn’t think it would ever be more than an hour since I last ate
a lot of guys and girls have to leave from office early today because they all have doctor’s appointments, be safe people
[petting zoo]
ME: *still petting the penguin*
DANNY DEVITO: There’s other people in line, you know.
[raises hand in English class]
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I sneezed seven times in a row and my cat is acting all freaked out instead of just asking if I’m ok
My sleeping pills say don’t mix with alcohol, but drop it in the glass and it dissolves just fine. Doctors think they know everything.
My kids bought a huge bag of flour, yet I don’t see any baking going on…are they waiting for me? They’re waiting for me, aren’t they?
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“My best quality is I am a worthy vessel for the demon lord Paimon who will bring about a new age of darkness. All will suffer his wrath and despair” haha so random
To: Everybody
Subject: Dance Now
Cc: Music Factory
[spelling bee]
JUDGE: your word is “cat”
ME: ok
JUDGE: incorrect
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ladies if you’re bored and itching to fight ask him if he’d still love you if you were deathly allergic to love
me forcing everyone to watch a movie i really like
I act all mature and parental until there is only one popsicle left.
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santa getting shot down over jersey this year isn’t he
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Wife: This milk is 30 seconds past due, time to throw it out.
Me: This milk is lumpy. I need a fork.
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[Arrives at work dressed as a sexy kitty]
Boss: *points to memo on desk* “It says no Halloween costumes”
Me: *slowly pushes memo off desk*
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