Suggested my 10 y/o daughter pay for her friend’s birthday gift with her tooth fairy cash and she said, “No way, I sacrificed body parts for that money.”
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Death certificates are our last participation award.
[Retirement party]
Boss: After working here for 38 years, what was the highlight of your career?Me: [shrugs] Glen brought his dog in once…
Tonight at my restaurant job a middle-aged white woman looked me right in the eyes, held up the debit machine to me and said, “Can you show me how to not leave a tip?” SO START CROWDFUNDING MY BAIL MONEY Y’ALL IT’S GO TIME THIS IS WHAT WE’VE TRAINED FOR
“I traded my carpet in for bare floors” –coworker. “Oh, me too. I love the shaved look.”, said me. Apparently, she really meant carpet.
3-year-old: I need a scarf.
Me: No, you don’t.
3: To tie up bad guys.
She needs a scarf.
“Wow, it’s pouring out there.”
“Just let a smile be your umbrella!”
“That’s not how rain works, Karen.”
Looking forward to the day when “having a case of Corona” means you’re going to the beach and not the hospital.
“Yes Wiccan!” -inspirational witches
I keep chalk in my back pocket at all times in case any of you motherfuckers are foolish enough to challenge me at Hopscotch.
The monocle was popular in the 1800’s because ears hadn’t been invented yet.
Sorry, but Apple making driverless cars isn’t breaking news. It’s been going on ever since they introduced the iPhone.
me: they’re having a special, buy 3 dvds get 1 free
wife: so why do you have 4 space jam’s?
me: …because it’s buy 3 get 1 free
If you told Alexander Hamilton that the online lottery to see his rap musical was unavailable due to server overload, he’d be like, “WITCH!”
My doctor said avocados help with depression but so far it’s just sitting there on my counter doing nothing.
A surprise Hunger Games competition for everyone who makes eye contact with me today in the office.
The popularity of this combination speaks of a world thus far hidden from me.
Your baby looks the same as it did yesterday.
Me, commenting on a Facebook picture.
Dads watch golf because they know no one will join them
What has three thumbs and just won the lottery?
* having won the lottery, I was able to add that third thumb I’ve always wanted
My bank says my password isn’t strong enough. Did it ever stop and think that my password has a lot going on right now?
up next on house hunters: this couple finally decides to leave the hubbub of the big city to seek eternal serenity inside the heart of a dying star
No, I don’t need a bag; I’m gonna juggle this 12 pack, this bag of ice and this whole roasted chicken on my unicycle while whistling Dixie.
I always enjoy when pharmaceutical ads play “Walking On Sunshine” while joyfully listing their drug’s 700 horrendous side effects.
Dating tip: Before you think he’s attractive—stop, breathe, and take a moment to think… is he attractive, or is he just a bowl of lasagna?
My kids don’t drive me to drink. Can’t wait until they get their license and they can though.
[Jesus on a blind date]
Christians: “Hmm, you seemed whiter in your profile picture”
When people talk about someone who died, they’re always like “They had the biggest heart, they would have done anything for you,” but I feel like when I die they’ll be like “She would sometimes text you some halfhearted advice.”
“There’s a sleeping person. Let’s go ask it questions.” – Children
Stork: I have a baby.
Pigeon: I have the mail.
Canary: I have bad news.
Interviewer: “need anything before we start?”
Hold on let me get my e-cig out of my PT cruiser
“…Actually the position has been filled”