Woman, to hubs: There’s no such thing as too much cheese!
Me: *peels a cheddar slice from my emergency roll*
M: *writes my cell number on it* I like your style babe, call me
M: *eats the cheese* DAGNABBIT!
M: *peels a cheddar slice from…
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Really Google Autocomplete? You honestly think I want to search for “hardcore poem”?
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Get better soon! (I know you’re not sick, I just think you can do better)
My date was all ‘next time come to my place and I’ll cook you some food in my air fryer’ and I was like ‘lol sure and I’ll play you some songs on my air guitar’ and then she was like ‘I need to see other people’.
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A Viking in the midst of battle doesn’t have time to stop and cook dinner. WarDash™ brings your favorite meal right to your war.
*deep inhale*
YOU TELLIN ME A GAR LICKED THIS BREAD!?!?!?!???!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!
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50% is begging them to be quiet.
[Asking someone out]
Um…so do you want to come to my exorcism next week?
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Incredible customer service.
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“I have no porpoise!” -existential marine biologist.
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Cashier: Have a great day
[goes to cashier’s home in the evening}
Me: I have bad news
dogs after you inspect what they have and decide to let them keep it:
I learned the name of my neighbor’s dog today.
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Bitcoin. Toothurt.