[taking immortality pills]
wife: but wont we get bored of eternal life?
me: dont worry, we’ll have each other..
*we swallow the pills*
me: i can still see it in your hand
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[safely surrounded by a thousand miles of land]
Me: (whispering) more like shark weak
AA Milne: Ok rabbit, we’ll call you Rabbit. Piglet, you can be Piglet
Bear: Wow, real original
AAM: [scribbles out Bear and writes Pooh]
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I got caught with my hand in cookie jar again.
I really need a better nickname for her.
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“C’mon man, just as far as Cincinnati. I got a cousin there.”
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Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush plays as the camera pans to me chasing an ice cream truck in my flip flops.
Mom 1: My son loves gluten free chips.
Mom 2: Asher eats everything organic.
Me: My son had a chocolate donut and a booger for breakfast.
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I have faith in unanswered prayers, unless I am stepping on the scale.
Y’all will never guess what her husband bought her. I’m hollering!!
I just used a recipe to make porridge and the last step was “Leave the house for a while.”
Her: I want you to dress up as your biggest fear this year.
Me: Ok, but how do I make a costume out of you finding my unlocked phone?
Blackout curtains because I’ll decide what time it is.
oh to be a capybara in an open air bath with an orange on its head
A toddler made fun of me today, and I got weirdly upset for a guy who can have a cookie literally whenever he wants.
“I’d hit that if I was drunk.” – Me, driving by a mailbox just now.
home depot ceo: [incredibly high] let’s sell the largest skeletons
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Guys if ur drinking tonight please remember this; u can always use a frozen hot dog if u run out of ice. Ok stay safe & keep it real.
I don’t always drink tequila but when I do, where the hell are my clothes?
I wonder if the person who came up with the phrase ‘jumping on the bandwagon’ got really annoyed when everyone else started using it.